Official Community Plan
In Saskatchewan, an Official Community Plan (OCP) is required under the province’s Planning and Development Act as community planning, development issues, land use and related services rests with local municipalities.
Through an approved OCP, municipalities can set out their desired framework for future development by:
- Defining goals, objectives and policies;
- Informing members of the community how Council intends to direct and manage the community’s needs and expectations;
- Clarifying the municipal role in the development process;
- Providing Council with the guidance needed to make municipal decisions and enforce land use decisions;
- Reducing land use conflicts;
- Providing opportunities for input by all affected interests in community planning; and
- Establishing a clear framework for land use, growth and development.
Over 2015-2016, the City did a comprehensive review of its OCP.
While a City’s OCP typically focuses on growth, development and land use, it also needs to consider factors important for quality of life such as community services, culture and recreation, the environment, and the local economy.
Humboldt’s OCP integrates the community’s core values: Active, Welcoming, Prosperous, Creative, Green, Connected and Sustainable along with their strategic directions.
Humboldt: 2035 does that and is the first values-led OCP introduced in Saskatchewan to have received municipal and Ministerial approval.
The OCP and supporting Zoning Bylaw were formally adopted by Council and then authorized by the Ministry of Government Relations in July 2016.

Humboldt: 2035 Community Plan