Posted: February 17, 2021

Pursuant to Section 48 (1) of the The Municipalities Act, public notice is hereby given that the City of Humboldt intends to consider the disposal of non-dedicated land. The portions of municipal land are (in part) designated for park purposes and adjacent walkway reserve that is legally described as Parcel X, Plan 102201938 – and Parcel W1, Plan 102201938 (in its entirety). The intended future use of this (underutilized) land will be for the purposes to facilitate the expansion of the Elizabeth Retirement Community.

The City will also be considering a Discretionary Use Application under Section 3.10 of the Zoning Bylaw 04/2016 which proposes to expand the Elizabeth Retirement Community by 16 x additional multi-unit (apartment) dwellings within the existing Elizabeth Retirement Community property.

INTENT: In accordance with Section 48 (2) of the The Municipalities Act, if a council wishes to dispose of municipal lands used for park purposes, the council must give public notice of its intention to do so before authorizing the disposal.

EXAMINATION OF PLANS: The site plans and concept drawings for both the disposal of non-dedicated land and the expansion of the Elizabeth Retirement Community can be inspected at the City Hall on any judicial day between the hours of 8.30am and 4:00pm – or by contacting Frank Carpentieri (Planning Coodinator) to arrange viewing.

PUBLIC MEETING: Due to Public Health Orders, Council will be holding a virtual public meeting on-line on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 5:30p.m. Those wishing to submit their comments on these two proposals or are interested in appearing before Council virtually by way of video conference, please submit your request by email to prior to noon on Thursday, February 18, 2021.

Dated at the City of Humboldt, Saskatchewan, this 5th day of February, 2021.

Lori Yaworski, City Clerk

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