At last night’s Regular Meeting of Council, Mayor Behiel proclaimed Wednesday, April 7, 2021, as “Green Shirt Day” in the City of Humboldt to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation and to encourage citizens to “have the kitchen table talk” with their families and to wear green on this day to show your support of what has now become known as the “Logan Boulet Effect”.
On April 7, 2018, Humboldt Bronco player Logan Boulet succumbed to his injuries following the Humboldt Broncos tragedy on April 6, 2018. His parents, Bernadine and Toby Boulet chose to fulfill Logan’s wishes and donate his organs so that six lives could be saved. This selfless act inspired over 100,000 Canadians to become organ donors in the days and weeks that followed which resulted in the largest number of Canadians to register as organ donors in Canadian history.