Calendar of Events
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Humboldt & Area Family Support Group
Humboldt & Area Family Support Group
Family support session for those with children and youth with additional needs. Please join us to meet others while sharing knowledge and experiences in a supportive environment.
Financial Literacy for Women
Financial Literacy for Women
Interactive session designed to help women gain confidence in managing their finances.
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International Women’s Day Conversation & Celebration
International Women’s Day Conversation & Celebration
A special morning of conversation to celebrate International Women's Day. Hear Inspiring stores from women entrepreneurs and connect with a supportive community. Special attendees: Yoonjin Park - YJ Art Therapy and Lorena Taquiqui - Humboldt Ink.
Humboldt Curling Club: Ladies Night
Humboldt Curling Club: Ladies Night
$25/curler - enter as an individual or team. Call or text 306-231-6781 to enter. Games start at 7:15.
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Humboldt Lions Club Bingo
Humboldt Lions Club Bingo
Bingo runs every second Thursday and is hosted by the Humboldt Lions Club. 12 games each night. Cards: 6/$20, 12/$30, 18/$35.
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Concert ft. Brian Grest & Special Guests
Concert ft. Brian Grest & Special Guests
Brian Grest, along with six other local musicians - Derek Kozar, Walter Bushman, Nathan Gregg, Jodie Hergott, Katie Nichol, & Brett Hrynewich will be getting together to put on an acoustic type of concert. Tickets are $20 - get on the guest list by texting 306-231-8284.
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International Women’s Ride
International Women’s Ride
Sponsored by: Sagehill Community Futures. In Partnership with: Sagehill Member, Ashley Brockman, owner of The Grind, Humboldt and Anytime Fitness, Humboldt. Stay after the ride and enjoy refreshments. Limited spots available. Book a bike free of charge by calling 306-682-6644.
Women’s Wellness Initiative: SHAPE Facilitation Workshop
Women’s Wellness Initiative: SHAPE Facilitation Workshop
Introductory session to reflect on life integration and balance through the wheel of life. $10 registration fee.
Women’s Wellness Initiative: Mediation
Women’s Wellness Initiative: Mediation
$5/person. Register at
Floral Embroidery Workshop
Floral Embroidery Workshop
Floral Embroidery with Bernice Keller - Learn the satin stitch, a French knot, the lazy daisy and woven wheel. All supplies are included with $15 ticket ($12.50 for members). Space is limited.
St Mary’s Villa Snowman Day
St Mary’s Villa Snowman Day
Bring old hats, scarves, carrots, ad stick for arms. Spend the afternoon making snowmen and maybe even a big crocodile or turtle. Cookies and hot chocolate will be serves. Call the Villa at 306-682-0520 with any questions.
Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
20% of each nights sales is won by the drawn ticket that night. 30% of each nights sales is added to the jackpot if Ace of Spades is not drawn. $5/ticket by etransfer to or in -person wed. to Fri. from 4 to 10 p.m. or Sat. from 4-6pm at the Legion.
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Women’s Wellness Initiative: Morning Yoga
Women’s Wellness Initiative: Morning Yoga
$40 for 8 classes. Register at
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Conversation and refreshment every Tuesday. Meet new people in our community. Everyone is welcome!
Wills/Power of Attorney and Financial Presentation
Wills/Power of Attorney and Financial Presentation
Wills/Power of Attorney and Financial Planning for Families with Children who may have additional needs presentation. Presentation by Karen Romaniuk with RBC and Jonathan Adams with Behiel, Will and Biemans Law Office. Register by March 4 at
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UFO Night at the Gallery
UFO Night at the Gallery
The Gallery is excited to host its first-ever UFO (unfinished objects) Night. At a UFO Night, crafters get together to finish up any projects that they have started and haven’t quite finished. This can include knitting, crochet, painting, writing, or any other craft that is easy to pack up and bring to the Gallery. The […]
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PIE Day Coffee House
PIE Day Coffee House
Celebrate National Affirming Day with Westminster Church at the annual PIE Day Coffeehouse. PIE Day celebrates the Public, Intentional, and Explicit acceptance of everyone! Enjoy free pie and local music and entertainment. Live Celebrity pie auction. Free and everyone welcome!
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Candy Chemistry – Reid Thompson Public Library
Candy Chemistry – Reid Thompson Public Library
This workshop's theme is Candy Chemistry and is aimed at 4-12 year olds. Discover the surprising science hiding in a bag of Skittles. Explore solubility, buoyancy, reactivity and investigate the odds of finding your favourite colour. Please contact the library on 306-682-2034 to register.
Lucien Lake Regional Park Ice Fishing Tournament
Lucien Lake Regional Park Ice Fishing Tournament
Cost: pre-register before March 14, $50 per hole. Day of tournament: $60 per hole.
Humboldt Legion St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Humboldt Legion St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Stew Supper 5-7 p.m., tickets $10(includes stew, bun, and dessert) Music 7-10 p.m. by the Horses Mouth.
Pasta Night Fundraiser
Pasta Night Fundraiser
Fundraiser in support of the Bruno Axemen Broomball U20 players attending Nationals in Quebec. Supper: $25/adult, $15/Kids under 10. Tickets available by calling Carla at 306-369-7970. Cocktails at 5 pm - Supper 6pm with socializing and 50/50 and raffle draws to follow.
Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
20% of each nights sales is won by the drawn ticket that night. 30% of each nights sales is added to the jackpot if Ace of Spades is not drawn. $5/ticket by etransfer to or in -person wed. to Fri. from 4 to 10 p.m. or Sat. from 4-6pm at the Legion.
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3 events,
Women’s Wellness Initiative: Morning Yoga
Women’s Wellness Initiative: Morning Yoga
$40 for 8 classes. Register at
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Conversation and refreshment every Tuesday. Meet new people in our community. Everyone is welcome!
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Conversation and refreshment every Tuesday. Meet new people in our community. Everyone is welcome!
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Women’s Wellness Initiative: Yoga Therapy
Women’s Wellness Initiative: Yoga Therapy
$5/person. Register at
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Humboldt Lions Club Bingo
Humboldt Lions Club Bingo
Bingo runs every second Thursday and is hosted by the Humboldt Lions Club. 12 games each night. Cards: 6/$20, 12/$30, 18/$35.
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Spoken Word Workshop
Spoken Word Workshop
Workshop for youth ages 12-25. Dash Reimer will guide participants through the creative process of crafting a powerful poem. No skill level required - just bring your creativity. Call 306-682-4277.
Open Mic Evening with Dash Reimer
Open Mic Evening with Dash Reimer
Following a Spoken Word Workshop in the afternoon, members of the community can listen to, and perform spoken word poetry. Call 306-682-4277 to sign up to perform.
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Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
20% of each nights sales is won by the drawn ticket that night. 30% of each nights sales is added to the jackpot if Ace of Spades is not drawn. $5/ticket by etransfer to or in -person wed. to Fri. from 4 to 10 p.m. or Sat. from 4-6pm at the Legion.
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Learn to Play Volleyball – Session 1
Learn to Play Volleyball – Session 1
Hosted by Humboldt Chaos Volleyball Club coaches and members. Grades 4-6 Co-ed girls and boys $25 per session or $100 for 5 sessions. Register by emailing (subject line: Youth Mini Camps 2025)
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Women’s Wellness Initiative: Morning Yoga
Women’s Wellness Initiative: Morning Yoga
$40 for 8 classes. Register at
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Newcomer Conversation and Refreshment
Conversation and refreshment every Tuesday. Meet new people in our community. Everyone is welcome!
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Growing Herbs for Cooking, Tea, and Medicine
Growing Herbs for Cooking, Tea, and Medicine
Come to the Museum for an informal talk with Marie Saretsky about herbs that you can plant in your garden for cooking, making tea, and medicinal purposes. Learn more about some of the delicious and healthful benefits of herbs that you can grow in your own backyard. Bring your questions! Free and everyone welcome!
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Humboldt Museum Trivia Night
Humboldt Museum Trivia Night
Test your grasp of local history, general knowledge, pop culture….and perhaps the odd trick question! $20/team to enter. The teams will be vying for dinner for four at Johnny’s Bistro…and bragging rights, of course. Call the Museum to register at 306-682-5226. Prize sponsored by the Friends of the Museum & Gallery.
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Burr Cornhole Tournament & Chili Supper
Burr Cornhole Tournament & Chili Supper
$40/team(two person). Prizes to be wo for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Register by March 22 by texting Jenn at 306-231-3924. Chili Supper: $5 for chili and bun.
Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
Chase the Ace – Humboldt Legion
20% of each nights sales is won by the drawn ticket that night. 30% of each nights sales is added to the jackpot if Ace of Spades is not drawn. $5/ticket by etransfer to or in -person wed. to Fri. from 4 to 10 p.m. or Sat. from 4-6pm at the Legion.
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Muenster Childcare Centre Pancake Breakfast
Muenster Childcare Centre Pancake Breakfast
Pancake breakfast to support the Muenster childcare center. Adults: $10, Children 6 and under: $5, Family: $25. Misty Garden gift certificates available for purchase that will be ready for Mother's Day!
A Splash of Colour – Skate Humboldt
A Splash of Colour – Skate Humboldt
Admission is by donations. 50/50 tickets are available through a Skate Humboldt member or board member.
Learn to Play Volleyball – Session 2
Learn to Play Volleyball – Session 2
Hosted by Humboldt Chaos Volleyball Club coaches and members. Grades 4-6 Co-ed girls and boys $25 per session or $100 for 5 sessions. Register by emailing (subject line: Youth Mini Camps 2025)